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Quick Start

The Most Basic Deck

After installing Spiel (pip install spiel), create a file called and copy this code into it:
from rich.console import RenderableType

from spiel import Deck, present

deck = Deck(name="Your Deck Name")

@deck.slide(title="Slide 1 Title")
def slide_1() -> RenderableType:
    return "Your content here!"

if __name__ == "__main__":

That is the most basic Spiel presentation you can make. To present the deck, run python You should see:

Barebones slide

In the example above, you first create a Deck and provide the name of your presentation. Then you create slides by decorating functions with @deck.slide, providing the title of the slide. The slide function can return anything that Rich can render; that return value will be displayed as the slide's content when you present it. The order of the @deck.slide-decorated functions in your file is the order in which they will appear in your presentation.

Running python started the presentation because of the call to present in the if __name__ == "__main__" block.

To see available keybindings for doing things like moving between slides, press ? to open the help view, which should look like this:

Help view

Making Richer Slides

You can make your slides a lot prettier, of course. As mentioned above, Spiel renders its slides using Rich, so you can bring in Rich functionality to spruce up your slides. Let's explore some advanced features by recreating one of the slides from the demo deck. Update your file with these imports and utility definitions:
import inspect
from textwrap import dedent

from import SQUARE
from rich.console import RenderableType
from rich.layout import Layout
from rich.markdown import Markdown
from rich.padding import Padding
from rich.panel import Panel
from import Style
from rich.syntax import Syntax

from spiel import Deck, Slide, present
from spiel.deck import Deck

SPIEL = "[Spiel]("
RICH = "[Rich]("

def pad_markdown(markup: str) -> RenderableType:
    return Padding(Markdown(dedent(markup), justify="center"), pad=(0, 5))

And then paste this code into your file below your first slide:
@deck.slide(title="Decks and Slides")
def code() -> RenderableType:
    markup = f"""\
        ## Decks are made of Slides

        Here's the code for `Deck` and `Slide`!

        The source code is pulled directly from the definitions via [inspect.getsource](

        ({RICH} supports syntax highlighting, so {SPIEL} does too!)
    root = Layout()
    upper = Layout(pad_markdown(markup), size=len(markup.split("\n")) + 1)
    lower = Layout()
    root.split_column(upper, lower)

    def make_code_panel(obj: type) -> RenderableType:
        lines, line_number = inspect.getsourcelines(obj)
        return Panel(
            height=len(lines) + 2,


    return root

We start out by creating our text content and setting up some Layouts, which will let us divide the slide space into chunks. Then, we create the make_code_panel function to take some lines of code from the Deck and Slide classes and put them in a syntax-highlighted Panel (with some additional fancy Rich styling). Finally, we add the code panels to our layout side-by-side and return root, the top-level Layout.

Run python again and go to the second slide (press ? if you're not sure how to navigate!):

Demo Code Slide

Check out the source code of the demo deck for more inspiration on ways to use Rich to make your slides beautiful! Spiel provides a spiel CLI tool to make this easy:

  • Present the demo deck in your terminal by running spiel demo present.
  • View the source in your terminal with spiel demo source.
  • Copy it to use as a starting point with spiel demo copy <destination>.

You can also check out the gallery to see talks that other users have made.